functions | Language en | Definition 1 (id=function.def)
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Definition 1 (id=function.def)

A relation fX×Y, is called a partial function with domain X (write 𝐝𝐨𝐦(f)) and codomain Y (write 𝐜𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐦(f)), iff for all xX there is at most one yY with (x,y)f.

We write f:XY;xy and f(x)=y instead of (x,y)f. We say that f(x) is the application of f to x and call x the argument of f.

Definition 2 (id=undefined.def)

We call a partial function f:XY

  • defined at xX, iff (x,y)f for some yY and

  • undefined at xX (write f(x)=), iff (x,y)f for all yY.

Definition 3 (id=total-function.def)

If f:XY is a total relation (i.e. for all xX there is a unique yY with (x,y)f), we call f a total function and write f:XY.

Definition 4

If we do not want to specify whether a partial function is total, then we simply speak of a function.

Definition 5 (id=funspace.def)

Given sets A and B we will call the set AB (AB) of all (partial) functions from A to B the (partial) function space from A to B.